Tuesday, June 17, 2008

An Experiment in Back Yard Sustainability

25 Minute Video...


Produced by http://www.apple-nc.org/

Alliance for a Post-Petroleum Local Economy is a grassroots group concerned about the repercussions of higher priced or less avaialble oil and natural gas in Nevada County. APPLE is a local, nonpartisan citizen forum to develop practical solutions for the challenges ahead. Our vision is of a more self-reliant, sustainable local economy which is localized - the opposite of globalized: we produce locally what we consume locally, as much as possible.

We have been working in the areas of energy, transportation, food and water, preparedness, and the economy. APPLE is building alliances with local organizations, government, and businesses to share information and engage other groups in creating their own local sustainable solutions.
The REALITY: This is a Long-Term Investment (and way of life)

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